I am pleased to invite you to the Culturally Competent and Compassionate LGBT+ Inclusive Education in Health and Social Care Conference at Middlesex University London, in-person, on Friday 1st July 2022 from 9:00 – 16:00.
This is a FREE one-day, in-person, conference at Middlesex University in London where we will discuss LGBT+ inclusion in health and social care education and practice, hear from experts in the field as well as presenting the IENE-LGBT+ project outputs.
The conference is a part of Erasmus+ Funded project titled Developing a culturally competent and compassionate LGBT+ curriculum in health and social care education. The Project aims to enable health and social care professionals, practitioners, academics, and students to enhance their skills regarding LGBT+ issues through the development of teaching tools to support the inclusion of LGBT+ issues within health and social care curricula. The project, led by Middlesex University, is in collaboration with six other EU partners: Edunet in Romania, Cyprus University of Technology, the University of Almeria in Spain, the University of Southern Denmark, the Sapienza University of Rome in Italy and St Augustinus Fachkliniken in Germany.
As part of the project a new Culturally Competent and Compassionate LGBT+ Curriculum has been developed, piloted, and delivered through a MOOC in which over 750 participants took part across the globe. This, together with all of the projects outputs will be presented at the conference.
I hope you will join us in London for this exciting event, everyone is welcome from all over the globe and the project partners will attend to present LGBT+ issues from their country’s perspective. You can also join the discussion on Twitter using #IENELGBT22.
Tea/coffee, breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration is compulsory so please book to avoid missing out! Check the flyer attached for details, scan the QR code or click here to register.
If you have any questions please contact the project coordinator, Alfonso Pezzella at a.pezzella@mdx.ac.uk.